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Pradeep Sharma
ServiceNow Employee
ServiceNow Employee

Note: To request for early release to the Vancouver release, please log into Now Support (HI) Service Catalog and follow the section below “How do I Self-Register Early Release”.  

Why do we provide early release to technology partners? 

  1. In order for partners to test their apps against Vancouver and address any bugs or changes by the time Vancouver goes GA and their customers start to upgrade.
  2. In order for partners to assess new features in Vancouver, and determine which should be incorporated into their store apps. 

Early Release Expectations 

  1. Partners are expected to use early release to test their apps against the Vancouver release. 
  2. Partners are expected to submit their application for certification or recertification on the Vancouver release once the Vancouver certification opens.  

How should partners be testing their apps in the Vancouver release? 

You should be testing for both applications already in instances when they're upgraded and then installing the app onto a clean instance. 

  1. Request early release for a vendor instance which already has your app installed on it. 
  2. In the newly upgraded Vancouver instance run through your application test cases. 
  3. Request a zboot (instance reset) of that instance on Now Support (HI). 
  4. Install your app onto the newly zbooted, clean Vancouver instance and run through your functional test cases. 

Going through this process will test your app for both customers who are upgrading to Vancouver and customers who are installing it for the first time onto Vancouver. 

How do I Self-Register Early Release? 

1. Login to the Now Service Catalog





2. Find and select Early Release Program Registration. Direct link to Registration here





3. Select Company Information and submit






4. When the Early Release versions are ready, you will get a notification with details on how to schedule Early Release upgrades to your non-production and production instances through the Instances dashboard page on Now Support. This will set you up for the release market launch

Note the e-mail notification will be distributed to account contacts - to ensure you receive the proper messaging please keep company contacts up-to-date.


How does the Early Release Program work? 


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Early Release Support 

Have an issue? Any issues encountered during early release should be submitted as cases via Now Support (HI) with a title of “Vancouver-[insert description]. 


Early Release Program - Release Testing Preview and Early Availability 

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